Mt.Kobo Easy Course in Idyllic landscape | Private Trail Running Tour JPY3000

This trail is a course that includes three mountains, Mount Asama, Gongen Mountain and Kōbō Mountain.
Kōbō Mountain park is selected as “50 Kanagawa’s scenic spot”, “Kanagawa’s 50 sightseeing spots”, “Kanagawa’s flower sights 100 selections”, “Kanto’s Fujimi Hundred Sceneries”.
Furthermore, it is a popular trail called “Kōbō Mountain park · Azuma mountain course”, and many people visit throughout the year.
Kōbō Mountain Park is also famous as a cherry blossoming spot and there are over 2000 cherry trees in the whole park. When cherry blossoms blossom, Baba road becomes a cherry blossom tunnel and the summit pink color. Especially the weekend in full bloom, it is crowded with people from Ohanami.
There are many other places of interest such as Shakado, a festival of Kobo Daishi Festival, a monument of Masuda-yusu, a milk well and a bell tower.

Tour details

Price : 3000 yen per person

Distance : 7.3 km

Private Tour (Your family and friends are OK.)

Difficulty : ★☆☆☆☆

Language : English, Japanese

Meeting place : Hotel pick-up or Hadano Station (depends on your preference)

Meeting time : negotiable

Hike to Mt.Kobo Course

An observatory stand on the summit of Mt. congen and autumn leaves

This trail is well maintained and you can walk very easily.
There are three mountains, but all mountains are low about 200 m above sea level.
Trails are well maintained and there is no dangerous place.
Shoes for trail running are better, but running shoes are fine as well.

My recommended rental shop for outdoor goods is here.

The summit of Mt. kobo has a well and you can drink natural water.

However, since there is a steep slope in the first half and the second half, let’s walk carefully after rain or when the ground is wet.
The total walking time is around 2 and a half hours.
Even the highest peak is a small mountain of 189 m so sneakers are okay, of course the trail running shoes are better though.

If it is fine, you can see from Mt.Gongen to Sagami Bay and the Izu peninsula.

Hot spring “Kobo – no – satoyu” at the end of the course is a natural hot spring that you can use on a day trip, enjoying an outdoor bath, you can relax slowly in a spacious tatami room on the 2nd floor,
This hot spring is in front of the Tsurumaki Onsen Station on the Odakyu Line, returning home is also easy.

It is a dense hot spring with a component that warms the body very much with good quality hot water containing a lot of calcium.

For more information on this trail, click here.


Please read and give me consent before booking for this tour.

Trailrunning is an inherently dangerous activity that can lead to serious injuries including but not limited to slip and fall injuries, fractures, snake bite, heat exhaustion, poison oak, ticks and frostbite. By participation in this event/hike you agree to not hold these organizers liable for any harm that may come to you, your guests, or your property. Always remember to let the event organizer know if you are leaving the group. Stay on the trail, never hike alone and use your own common sense.

Booking Now

[contact-form-7 id=”4220″ title=”Private Hiking Tour to Mt.Kobo | Easy Course and Awesome view in Idyllic landscape”]

Private Hiking Tour to Mt.Kobo | Easy Course and Awesome view in Idyllic landscape

This hiking course is a trail that includes three mountains, Mount Asama, Gongen Mountain and Kōbō Mountain.
Kōbō Mountain park is selected as “50 Kanagawa’s scenic spot”, “Kanagawa’s 50 sightseeing spots”, “Kanagawa’s flower sights 100 selections”, “Kanto’s Fujimi Hundred Sceneries”.
Furthermore, it is a popular hiking course called “Kōbō Mountain park · Azuma mountain course”, and many people visit throughout the year.
Kōbō Mountain Park is also famous as a cherry blossoming spot and there are over 2000 cherry trees in the whole park. When cherry blossoms blossom, Baba road becomes a cherry blossom tunnel and the summit pink color. Especially the weekend in full bloom, it is crowded with people from Ohanami.
There are many other places of interest such as Shakado, a festival of Kobo Daishi Festival, a monument of Masuda-yusu, a milk well and a bell tower.

Hike to Mt.Kobo Course

An observatory stand on the summit of Mt. congen and autumn leaves

This trail is well maintained and you can walk very easily.
There are three mountains, but all mountains are low about 200 m above sea level.
Trails are well maintained and there is no dangerous place.
Shoes for hiking are better, but sneakers are fine as well.

My recommended rental shop for outdoor goods is here.

The summit of Mt. kobo has a well and you can drink natural water.

However, since there is a steep slope in the first half and the second half, let’s walk carefully after rain or when the ground is wet.
The total walking time is around 2 and a half hours.
Even the highest peak is a small mountain of 189 m so sneakers are okay, of course the hiking shoes are better though.

If it is fine, you can see from Mt.Gongen to Sagami Bay and the Izu peninsula.

Hot spring “Kobo – no – satoyu” at the end of the course is a natural hot spring that you can use on a day trip, enjoying an outdoor bath, you can relax slowly in a spacious tatami room on the 2nd floor,
This hot spring is in front of the Tsurumaki Onsen Station on the Odakyu Line, returning home is also easy.

It is a dense hot spring with a component that warms the body very much with good quality hot water containing a lot of calcium.

For more information on this hiking route, click here.


Tour details

Price : 3000 yen per person

Distance : 7.3 km

Private Tour (Your family and friends are OK.)

Difficulty : ★☆☆☆☆

Language : English, Japanese

Meeting place : Hotel pick-up or Hadano Station (depends on your preference)

Meeting time : negotiable


Please read and give me consent before booking for this tour.

Hiking is an inherently dangerous activity that can lead to serious injuries including but not limited to slip and fall injuries, fractures, snake bite, heat exhaustion, poison oak, ticks and frostbite. By participation in this event/hike you agree to not hold these organizers liable for any harm that may come to you, your guests, or your property. Always remember to let the event organizer know if you are leaving the group. Stay on the trail, never hike alone and use your own common sense.

Booking Now

[contact-form-7 id=”4220″ title=”Private Hiking Tour to Mt.Kobo | Easy Course and Awesome view in Idyllic landscape”]

Mt.Koma Private Hiking Tour in Ōiso

If you want to enjoy the beach and the mountain at the same time, this course is recommended.
At Mt.Koma of Ōiso arriving at Tokyo Station from less than an hour by train, you can enjoy 360 ° panorama overlooking Mt.Fuji and you can play at the beautiful beach at the end of the trail.

Hike to Mt.Koma

The 360-degree view from “Shounandai” is really wonderful overlooking Mt. Fuji, the Boso Peninsula and the mountains of Tanzawa.
The 360-degree view from “Shounandai” is really wonderful overlooking Mt. Fuji, the Boso Peninsula and the mountains of Tanzawa.

When you head towards Shonan from Tokyo direction, it is a mountain 165 meters above sea level, located on the east side of Shonandaira which is the green field of Oiso that you can see from the train first.
That is Mt.Koma.
Until the end of the Edo period, this mountain was protected as a spiritual area of the Koma Temple and logging of trees was forbidden, so the rich forest is still protected today.

There is a quiet and peaceful trail surrounded by woods, resting places are dotted in some places.
There is a quiet and peaceful trail surrounded by woods, resting places are dotted in some places.

The Koma Mountain park hiking course has been selected as “Japan’s Forest 100” selected by the Japan Forest Instructor Association, you can observe the original nature of nature.
This trail is a forested area formed by various trees, and you can also see rare fields, wild birds and butterflies in the Mt.Asama area (north of the route along the ridge).

Ōiso Beach
Ōiso Beach was the first Japanese beach in Japan that was established in 18th Meiji era. It is a popular spot for families and couples. Moreover, it is around 10 minutes even if you walk from JR Oiso station. Shower is also installed, so let’s bring swimsuit and enjoy the swimming!

For more information on this hiking route, click here.

Tour details

Price : 1500 yen per person

Distance : 5.7 km

Private Tour (Your family and friends are OK.)

Difficulty : ★☆☆☆☆

Language : English, Japanese

Meeting place : Hotel pick-up or Ōiso Station (depends on your preference)

Meeting time : negotiable


Please read and give me consent before booking for this tour.

Hiking is an inherently dangerous activity that can lead to serious injuries including but not limited to slip and fall injuries, fractures, snake bite, heat exhaustion, poison oak, ticks and frostbite. By participation in this event/hike you agree to not hold these organizers liable for any harm that may come to you, your guests, or your property. Always remember to let the event organizer know if you are leaving the group. Stay on the trail, never hike alone and use your own common sense.

Booking Now

[contact-form-7 id=”4164″ title=”Mt.Koma Private Hiking Tour in Ōiso”]

Trail Running Private Tour for Kamakura’s Tenen Hiking Trail | 1500 yen per person

If you visit Kamakura we recommend trail running to the Kamakura Alps.
You can enjoy a mysterious trail, a historic temple and a spectacular view of the sea and the mountain at the same time.

Trail Running to Kamakura’s Tenen Hiking Trail

Gate of Kenchoji temple
Gate of Kenchoji temple | It was founded in 1253 in the Kamakura period, and the main shrine is Jizo Bodhisattva.

Tenen Hiking Trail is a trailhead with Kenchouji-temple with a majestic atmosphere.
A course with a total distance of about 7 km is a well-maintained mountain road and you can enjoy the beautiful view of Sagami Bay in places.
With a moderate up / down hiking course, there are few steep slopes peculiar to the Japanese mountain.
Therefore, climbing shoes dedicated to trail running are not necessary, sneakers are enough.

From Hanzoubou View
The Ten-en hiking course is also called the Kamakura Alps and is a full-fledged recommended hiking course about 4 km in length around the outer circumference of northern Kamakura.

Also, if it is not midwinter you may be able to see lots of lovely squirrels.
At the end of the trail there is the Zuisenji temple, and a stunning Japanese garden awaits you.
After running, there are plenty of sightseeing spots, temples and beaches in Kamakura.
You can have a wonderful and fulfilling holiday.

Tenen Hiking trail
The mossy rock blocks the road. There is also the theory that it was a defensive barrier to prevent the enemy from invading Kamakura once.

For more information on this trail, click here.

Tour details

Price : 1500 yen per person

Distance : 7 km

Private Tour (Your family and friends are OK.)

Difficulty : ★☆☆☆☆

Language : English, Japanese

Meeting place : Hotel pick-up or Kita-Kamakura Station (depends on your preference)

Meeting time : negotiable


Please read and give me consent before booking for this tour.

Trail running is an inherently dangerous activity that can lead to serious injuries including but not limited to slip and fall injuries, fractures, snake bite, heat exhaustion, poison oak, ticks and frostbite. By participation in this event/hike you agree to not hold these organizers liable for any harm that may come to you, your guests, or your property. Always remember to let the event organizer know if you are leaving the group. Stay on the trail, never hike alone and use your own common sense.

Booking Now

[contact-form-7 id=”4152″ title=”Kamakura’s Tenen Hiking Trail Private Tour”]

Mt.Kobo (Kanagawa) | Easy Hiking Course and Awesome view in Idyllic landscape

Date of Mt.Kobo

Formal name: Mount Kōbō 弘法山
Difficulty of this trail: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Trail appearance rate: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Area: hadano city, Kanagawa prefecture
Start: Hadano station on the Odakyū Electric Railway’s Odakyu Odawara Line 小田急線 秦野駅
Goal: Tsurumaki-Onsen station on the Odakyū Electric Railway’s Odakyu Odawara Line 小田急線 鶴巻温泉
Total distance: 7.3 km
elevation: 235 m
Walking time: 2 hours and 20 minutes

Course Guide of Mt.Kobo

An observatory stand on the summit of Mt. congen and autumn leaves
An observatory stand on the summit of Mt. congen and autumn leaves
  1. Hadano station on the Odakyu Line 小田急線秦野駅
  2. Entrance of the trail ハイキングコース登山口
  3. Mt.Gongen 権現山
  4. Mt.Kōbō 弘法山
  5. Bifurcation of Zenba pass 善波峠への分岐
  6. Mt.Azuma 吾妻山
  7. Kobo-no-satoyu (hot spa) 弘法の里湯

Hiking Map of Mt.Kobo

Mt.kobo hiking map | Clicking on the above image opens a separate tab and the enlarged image is displayed.

Features of Hiking Course of Mt.Kobo

The summit of Mt. kobo has a well and you can drink natural water.
The summit of Mt. kobo has a well and you can drink natural water.

Hiking course of Mt.Kobo is a easy for hiking course with hot springs at end of the course, with a small mountains with an altitude of around 200 – 300 m that is easily accessible from Hadano Station on Odakyū Odawara Line.

This course is a perfect course for the beginner of hiker as a gradual slope continues.
If the weather is good, you can enjoy the view of Mount Fuji from the top of Mt.Gongen.
You can also enjoy the panorama overlooking Sagami Bay and Izu Peninsula.
Also, as the snow does not accumulate so much during the winter, you can enjoy hiking in a idyllic Satoyama landscape all year long.

Hot spring “Kobo – no – satoyu” at the end of the course is a natural hot spring that you can use on a day trip, enjoying an outdoor bath, you can relax slowly in a spacious tatami room on the 2nd floor,
This hot spring is in front of the Tsurumaki Onsen Station on the Odakyu Line, returning home is also easy.

“Kobo-no-satoyu” Official Website

It is a wonderful course that you want to visit many times once you remember because you can enjoy hiking easily.

If it is fine, you can see from Mt.Gongen to Sagami Bay and the Izu peninsula.
If it is fine, you can see from Mt.Gongen to Sagami Bay and the Izu peninsula.

After hiking you can enjoy natural hot springs

It is a dense hot spring with a component that warms the body very much with good quality hot water containing a lot of calcium.
It is a dense hot spring with a component that warms the body very much with good quality hot water containing a lot of calcium.

Bathing fee
Weekday: 1000 yen a day
Two hours 800 yen
Saturday · Sunday · Holidays: 2 hours 1000 yen

Tel: 0463-69-2641

Business hours: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m.
(From December 28 to December 30 and January 1 to January 3, until 5:00 pm) Note: Reception is open 30 minutes before

Non-business day: Monday (next weekday in case of holiday), December 31
Access: 2 minutes on foot from Odakyu Line Tsurumaki Onsen Station

Access Guide of Mt.Kobo

Mt. kobo's trailhead is about 15 minutes walking from the north exit of Odakyu Odawara line hadano station.
Mt. kobo’s trailhead is about 15 minutes walking from the north exit of Odakyu Odawara line hadano station.

Shinjuku station as a departure place.

(On the way)
Shinjuku Station

Odakyu Line Rapid-Express (For Odawara): 68 min, 670 yen

Hadano Station

(On the way back)
Tsurumakionsen Station

Odakyu Line Rapid-Express (For Shinjuku): 65 min, 590 yen

Shinjuku Station

(Transportation expense)
1260 yen (round trip)

Do you need a guide?

If you are looking for guide of this hiking course, please refer to the following.

Private Hiking Tour to Mt.Kobo | Easy Course and Awesome view in Idyllic landscape

Shonan Fujisawa citizen marathon contest ( January 27, 2019 )


Scenic sightseeing spots Enoshima is crowded with many tourists from usual times.
This tournament is a tournament where you can run along the beach while watching Mt. Fuji and it is very popular.
The 2019 convention has already been sold out.
Entry of this competition is about every August every year.

Date :

January 27 (Sun),  2019
The plan will go on, rain or shine.

Application period :

August 17, 2018 – October 31, 2018

Venue :

Enoshima and Shonan beach

Location :

Fujisawa City, Kagawa Prefecture


① 10 miles

② Parent-child run (2.2 km)

Entry fee:

① 6000 yen

② 4000 yen


【10 miles course】

Starting in Enoshima island → 134 number Chigasaki Hamasuka intersection turning back → Enoshima entrance intersection turning back → Ryugu bridge crossing point turning back → Enoshima inside finish

【Parent-Child Run Course】

Starting in Enoshima Island → No. 134 Katase-higashihama Intersection turn → → Enoshima inside the finish


Organizer information · Inquiries


Kanagawa Prefecture Fujisawa City Kugenuma East 8-2

Shonan Fujisawa citizen marathon executive committee secretariat




Booking site :

Official Site :


Sports Entry :

The above official website is written in Japanese. 

Heisei 30th Year ending walking meeting 54th Kamakura History Exploration Walk ( December 24, 2018 )

Overview :

“The 54th Kamakura History Exploration Walk”
We support the registration of “Kamakura” world cultural heritage.
Would you like to finish the year with Kamakura walking pamphlet walking to the 54th time?
In addition to the seven courses of the national highway · seventh cut by the Kamakura shogunate, the course newly established a course to visit the famous temple of Kamakura. Which course do you walk this year. Please enjoy ancient city · Kamakura by walking.

Date :

December 24, 2018 (Monday)
The plan will go on, rain or shine.

Application period :

October 2, 2018 – December 3, 2018

Venue :

Kanagawa Prefecture (Course-specific start place)
Kanazawa Hakkei Park, Kameoka Hachimangu Shrine, Ofuna Station Monorail Plaza, Hongoudai Station Plaza, Enkaku Temple, Katase Coast Higashihama, Okuda Park, Yuigahama Beach, Kamakura Beach Park

Location :

Kanagawa Prefecture

Categories and Entry Fee:

1. Kimi-shiru-ya Asahina cutting course 12 km 1000 yen

2. Nami-to-asoban Nagoshi cutting course 13km 1000 yen

3. Ofuna Kannon Big Fuku Lope slope passing course 12 km 1000 yen

4. Kamakura Alps Kamegayatsu slope cutting course 12 km 1000 yen

5. Gozan-meien keshou slope Course course 12 km 1000 yen

6. Kamakurayama Great Buddha Slope cutting course 11 km 1000 yen

7. Shonan sea breeze Gokurakuji slope cutting course 11 km 1000 yen

8. Kamakura famous yemples tour course 10 km 1000 yen

Reception time:

9: 30 ~ 10: 00 For each course

Schedule of the day

9: 30 ~ 10: 00 Registration for each course
10:00 Departure ceremony
10:15 Start Common to all courses
12: 00 ~ 14: 00 Goal Common Yuigahama Beach · Kamakura Kaihin Park
14:00 Walking ceremony

Organizer information · Inquiries


1-2-4 Yushima, Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo Kanda St.ville

(Issha) Japan Walking Association


03-5256 – 7855 (weekdays from 10 o’clock to 16 o’clock)



Website :

Official site:

Sports Entry:

The above official website is written in Japanese.

The 3rd Yokosuka · Miura 100km · 63km Michikusa Ultramarathon ( May 25, 2019 )

Dscription :

It is the only Ultra Marathon tournament in Kanagawa Prefecture, which runs the whole of Yokosuka-shi and Miura-shi of the Miura Peninsula, which has one of the most scenic overseas lines in the whole country.

You can taste rich seafood of the sea and soup of the field to the full extent, you can run a difficult course that goes up and down while watching the spectacular view and feel a sense of accomplishment.

We can eat Yokosuka · Miura special products at Aid station (water supply / school place), we are preparing souvenir set of Miura Peninsula as a participation award, so we are waiting for participation.

I hope you will experience the sightseeing spots of the Miura Peninsula with your feet.

Date :

May 25, 2019 (Saturday)

Application period :

November 22, 2018 – April 21, 2019

Venue :

Kanagawa prefecture Yokosuka-shi Yokosuka Vernie park (start) Soleil’s hill (goal)

Location :

Yokosuka city, Kanagawa prefecture

Categoriy and Capacity :

[100K] 300 people
[63K (A)] 350 people
[63K (B)] 350 people
※ As soon as the capacity becomes available, the deadline

Entry fees

[100K] 17000 yen
[63K (A)] 12500 yen
[63K (B)] 12500 yen

Reception time:

Previous day
[100K · 63K] 15: 00 ~ 19: 00

The day
[100K] 3: 00-4: 30
[63K] 6: 00-7: 30

Organizer information · Inquiries


1-19-6-3F Okurayama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa

Michikusa Malanik Running Corps






Official Site

Booking and Details :


Sports Entry:

The above official website is written in Japanese.

Mt.Kobo course best for introductory trail running Tour ( December 8, 2018 )


Saturday, December 8, 2018

09:00 until 12:0

Tour summary:

Hiking course of Mt.Kobo is a relatively easy for trail running course with hot springs at end of the course, with a small mountains with an altitude of around 200 – 300 m that is easily accessible from Odakyu Hadano Station.
This course is a perfect course for the beginner of trail running as a gradual slope continues. Also, as the snow does not accumulate so much during the winter, you can enjoy hiking and trail running in a idyllic Satoyama landscape all year long.
Since “Kobo – no – satoyu” at the end of the course is in front of the Tsurumaki Onsen Station on the Odakyu Line, returning home is also easy.
It is a wonderful course that you want to visit many times once you remember because you can enjoy hiking easily.


Physical strength: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Difficulty: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Altitude: 235 m
Travel distance: 7.5 km
Running time: about 2 hours

Entry Fee:



· Shoes for trail running
It is okay if you do not have shoes for trail running.
However, please be aware that there are some uneven parts.

· Backpack for trail running
It is okay if you do not have a backpack for trail running.
However, a backpack that is easy for you to run is good.


· Light snacks (chocolate, candy, etc.)

· Clothes for cold weather
Windbreaker etc…


· Change clothes (if entering a hot spring)

· Others you need in the mountain …

Schedule of the day:

Odakyu Line Hadano Station(9:00) → Mt. Kobo entrance sign(9:30) → Mt.Asama summit(10:00) → Mt.Gongen summit(10:15) → Mt.Kobo summit(11:00) → Bifurcation of Zenba pass(11:15) → Mt.Azuma summit(11:30) → Hot spring”Kobo-no-satoyu”(12:00)


I am waiting at 9:00 in front of Hadano station ticket gate.

After running:

After the running is over, the event will end at in front of the hot spring “Kobo no Sato”.
Whether you visit a hot spring or leave as it is, you do not have to worry either!
Bathing charge is 1000 yen for two hours.
If you don’t visit hot spring, I will guide you to how to go to station.

Waiver of Liability/Disclaimer: Please read before signing up for this event.

These organizers are not professional hikers or trained leaders and are not medically trained to handle emergencies. Please carry a personal medical emergency kit and any medications you need. Trail Running is an inherently dangerous activity that can lead to serious injuries including but not limited to slip and fall injuries, fractures, rattlesnake bite, heat exhaustion, poison oak, ticks and frostbite. By participation in this event/hike you agree to not hold these organizers liable for any harm that may come to you, your guests, or your property. Always remember to let the event organizer know if you are leaving the group. Stay on the trail, never hike alone and use your own common sense.

Organizer information · Inquiries


Tokyo Trail Running Group


mail to …


If you wish to participate please let us know your name and number of people.
Reservation is here >>

The 39th Uozu Shinkiro marathon ( April 28, 2019 )

Overview :

“The city where you can see the mirage” The road race competition to be held on the setting in Uozu City, Toyama Prefecture.

Besides the main half marathon, the event is a 10 km, 5 km, 3 km (elementary school student), 2 km jogging, 9.5 km wheelchair, and it is a competition that everyone can enjoy from runner who is aiming for recording and fun run enjoying with parents and children.
Half runs in Uozu City with Ariso Dome as the start and goal.

Viewing the Sea of ​​Japan while looking at the sea breeze, this is an amazing view that you can see the snow scenery of Mt. Mogake and Kekachi-sanzan’s Northern Alps on a sunny day. If you are lucky you can see a mirage over the horizon of the Sea of ​​Japan!

There is a course by the sea, height difference is about 10 m and it is easy to run and a good record can be aimed.
After the race there is a service of “Shinkirou Nabe” which contains plenty of Uozu boasted fresh seafood and also participation awards which can be chosen from original T-shirts and towels are popular.

All participants will be presented with aquariums convenient for Uozu sightseeing, admission discount tickets for buried forest museums, free invitation tickets and bathing for Ferris wheel, and discount tickets for shopping.

Date :

April 28, 2019 (Sun)
The plan will go on, rain or shine.

Application period :

October 27, 2018 – February 28, 2019

Venue :

Ariso Dome in Uozu City, Toyama Prefecture

Location :

Aiko-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture

Categories and Tntry Fee:

[Half marathon] 4000 yen
[10 km] 3500 yen
[3 km] 1000 yen
[2 km] 1000 yen
[Wheelchair  9.5km] 3000 yen

Reception Time:

Previous day 9:00~17:00
The day 7: 30 ~ each competition star 20 minutes ago

Organizer information · Inquiries


Toyama prefecture Uozu city Kitadei 2898 – 3 Yes in the dome

Uozu Shinkiro marathon executive committee secretariat





Website :

Official Site:


Sports Entry:

The above official website is written in Japanese.