Hakkōda-san (八甲田山) | 100 Famous Japanese Mountains #011

Walk through beautiful uplands like paradise above clouds in Tōhoku

The flower garden of Narthecium spreading in the marshes area is splendid.
The flower garden of Narthecium spreading in the marshes area is splendid.

Hakkōda-san has 18 mountains with Ō-dake as the main peak, and many hikers aim to clime Ō-dake. There are marshes around beautiful uplands, and many hikers are visiting from early summer to autumn. Although the altitude is about 1500 m, it is an elegant mountain suitable for “100 Famous Japanese Mountains”.

Detailed Data of Hakkōda-san (八甲田山)

Ido-dake has a large crater.
Ido-dake has a large crater.

AREA: Towada city, Aomori city Aomori prefecture, Japan
HIGHEST POINT: 1585 m, Mt. Ō-dake
PLAN: Day Hike
DURATION: 4 hour 35 minutes
DISTANCE: About 9 km
BEST SEASON: Mid-June to October

Hakkōda-san’s Hiking Course Map

Hakkōda-san's Hiking Course | When clicked, an enlarged view opens in a separate tab.
Hakkōda-san’s Hiking Course | When clicked, an enlarged view opens in a separate tab.

The source of above the three maps are “Digital Japan Web System” of The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan. The maps were edited a author of this blog.
In Japanese: これらの3枚の地図は国土地理院の電子国土Webシステムから配信されたものをこのブログの著者が加工したものである。

How to travel to Hakkōda-san (Sugayu Hot Spring)

the total amount: about 2680 JPY

Aomori Station (青森駅)
JR Bus (about 1 hour and a half): 1340 JPY
Sugayu Hot Spring Bus Station (酸ヶ湯温泉バス停)


JR Bus Tōhoku (JR東北バス) 017-773-5722

By Car:

From Tohoku Expressway / Aomori IC via National Route 103, about 28 km from “Hakkōda · Towada Lake Gold Line” to Hakkōda Ropeway

Paking Lot Infomation:

There is a free large parking lot at Sugaya Hot Spring about 100 meters from Lake Towada.

Surrounding Inn:

Sugaya Hotspring Ryokan (酸ヶ湯温泉旅館)

A hot spring built 300 years ago. It is famous for “Hiba Sennin Buro” in the large public bath. There are four bathtubs with different sources, so you can enjoy them slowly.

Tel: 017-738-6400

Fee: 1230 yen with half board, 600 yen Day-use hot springs

Adress: 50 Suyusawa Minami-arakawa-yama Kokuyūrin Arakawa Aomori city, Aomori (青森県青森市荒川南荒川山国有林酸湯沢50」)

Access: Just a short walk from Sugayu Hot Spring Bus Station (酸ヶ湯温泉バス停)

Hot Springs After Hiking

Hotel Jogakura

Official Web Site: https://www.jogakura.com/en/

Northern European style hotel surrounded by beech forests facing mountain stream.
Clear air has a pleasant outdoor bath.
Accommodation is also available.

Tel: 017-738-0658

Adress: Hakkōda-san-chu Arakawa, Aomori (青森県青森市荒川八甲田山中)

Opening hour: 11:30 am – 4:00 pm

Fee: 1000 JPY for day-use hot springs

Access: Just a short walk from Jogakura Hot Spring Bus Stop (城ヶ倉温泉バス停) on foot.

百蔵山 | 絶景の富士山と不思議な鉱泉、渓谷美に映える奇妙な橋が楽しいコース


難易度: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
トレイル出現率: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
スタート: 猿橋駅
ゴール: 猿橋駅
距離: 13 km
標高: 1003.4 m
高低差: 683 m
歩行時間: 4時間半


trail of momokura mount
Trail of momokura mount
  1. 猿橋駅
  2. 福泉寺
  3. 百蔵山
  4. 百蔵山登山口バス停
  5. 湯立人鉱泉
  6. 猿橋
  7. 猿橋駅


百蔵山の地図 | クリックすると別タブで拡大図が開きます。
百蔵山の地図 | クリックすると別タブで拡大図が開きます。





中央線: 53 分


中央本線: 32 分


2640 円 (往復)















Yutando Kosen 湯立人鉱泉



営業時間: 12 時 – 17 時
営業日: 土曜、日曜のみ
アクセス: 猿橋駅北口から徒歩15分
電話: 0554-22-0622



浮世絵師 歌川広重が描いた甲陽猿橋之図



甲陽猿橋之図(こうようさるはしのず)|  歌川広重  (1797–1858 )
甲陽猿橋之図(こうようさるはしのず)| 歌川広重 (1797–1858 )

Mount Iwaki (岩木山) | 100 Famous Japanese Mountains #010

Famous Peak of Tugaru being loved by locals with beautiful mountain range

Mt. Iwaki form 9th station. Climb up a steep slope and head to the summit.
Mt. Iwaki form 9th station. Climb up a steep slope and head to the summit.

Mt.Iwaki is in the middle of the Tsugaru plain, a mountain loved by locals for a long time. Because the shape of the mountain changes greatly depending on the viewing angle, they boast that “the shape that can be seen from my town is the best”. The Iwaki shrine built at the foot of the mountain is called “The Nikkō of the North” because it is gorgeously decorated. On the top of the mountain Iwaki rear shrine is enshrined.

Detailed Data of Mount Iwaki (岩木山)

On the top of the mountain Iwaki rear shrine is enshrined.
On the top of the mountain Iwaki rear shrine is enshrined.

AREA: Hirosaki city, Aomori prefecture, Japan
HIGHEST POINT: 1625 m, Mt. Iwaki
PLAN: Day Hike
DURATION: 1 hour 55 minutes
DISTANCE: About 2 km
BEST SEASON: Mid-June to October

Mt. Iwaki’s Hiking Course Map

Mt. Iwaki's Hiking Course Map | When clicked, an enlarged view opens in a separate tab.
Mt. Iwaki’s Hiking Course Map | When clicked, an enlarged view opens in a separate tab.

The source of above the three maps are “Digital Japan Web System” of The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan. The maps were edited a author of this blog.
In Japanese: これらの3枚の地図は国土地理院の電子国土Webシステムから配信されたものをこのブログの著者が加工したものである。

How to travel to Mt. Iwaki 8 Station (Sky Line Lift Station)

the total amount: about 4080 JPY

Hirosaki Station (弘前駅)
Konan Bus (about 1 hour): 1040 JPY
Dake Hot Spring Bus Station (岳温泉前バス停)
Konan Bus Shuttle Bsu (about 30 minutes): 1000 JPY
Sky Line 8th Bus Station (スカイライン八合目バス停)


Konan Bus (弘南バス) 0172-36-5061

By Car:

It is approximately 33km from Tohoku Expressway · Hirosaki Owani IC.
Tsugaru Iwaki Skyline up to the 8 station.
The price of the skyline is 1,800 yen.

Paking Lot Infomation:

the 8 station has a free parking lot.

Surrounding Inn:

Yama-no Holel (山のホテル)

There is a hot spring with strong smell of sulfur. Large bath tub made of natural cypress can relax slowly. There is a souvenir shop in front of the hotel.

Tel: 0172-83-2329

Opening: Mid-June to Mid-October

Fee: 10950 yen with half board, 500 yen Day-use hot springs

Adress: 19 Tokiwano Yunosawa Hirosaki city, Aomori (青森県弘前市常盤野湯ノ沢19)

Access: Just a short walk from Gaku Hot Spring Bus Stop (岳温泉バス停)

Hot Springs After Hiking

Asobe no Mori Iwaki Sō (アソベの森 いわき荘)

Official Web Site: http://www.iwakisou.or.jp/en/index.html

If you slowly soak in Hyakusawa Hot Spring which is known as “Netu no Yu” and has been popular with local people for a long time, you will heal the tiring of hiking.

Tel: 0172-83-2215

Adress: 28-29 Terasawa Hyakuzawaji ōji Hirosaki city, Aomori (青森県弘前市大字百沢字寺沢28-29)

Opening hour: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Closed: Open Year Around

Fee: 1020 JPY

Access: Just a short walk from Iwaki-sō Bus Stop (いわき荘前バス停) on foot.

Mount Yōtei (羊蹄山) | 100 Famous Japanese Mountains #009

Walking through the alpine plants trail designated as national nature treasure

There is snow until the beginning of July. Foot also until May.
There is snow until the beginning of July. Foot also until May.

Mt.Yōtei (羊蹄山) is an independent mountain which have a conical shaped summit. It boasts a beautiful shape and size suitable for being called “Ezo-Fuji”. Once it was also called “Shiribeshi-yama”.
As Alpine plants are abundant, the trail is designated as a national nature treasure, and if you choose Kucchan Course you will proceed through the nature trail.
The top of the mountain is a crater, hikers go around here. Snow will also disappear in mid-July, alpine plants will bloom.

Detailed Data of Mount Yōtei (羊蹄山)

The vast crater of the summit is commonly called "father kiln" (父窯).
The vast crater of the summit is commonly called “father kiln” (父窯).

AREA: Makkari village Niseko cho / Kyōgoku cho / Kimobetsu cho, Hokkaido
HIGHEST POINT: 1898 m, Mt. Yōteizan
PLAN: a trip for 1 nights and 2 days
DURATION: 1st day: 4 hours and 50 minutes, 2nd day: 4 hours and 50 minutes
DISTANCE: About 17 km
BEST SEASON: July to September

Mt. Yōtei’s Hiking Course Map

Map of Mt. Yōtei | Click on the image above to open the enlarged image in a separate tab.
Map of Mt. Yōtei | Click on the image above to open the enlarged image in a separate tab.

The source of above the three maps are “Digital Japan Web System” of The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan. The maps were edited a author of this blog.
In Japanese: これらの3枚の地図は国土地理院の電子国土Webシステムから配信されたものをこのブログの著者が加工したものである。

How to travel to Mt. Poroshiridake’s Trailhead (Second Gate)

the total amount: about 890 JPY

The Way There

Kucchan Station (倶知案駅)

Niseko Bus / Dōnan Bus (about 10 minutes): 230 JPY

Yōtei Trailhead Bus Station (羊蹄登山口バス停)

The Way Back

Yōtei National Park Entrance Bus Station (羊蹄自然公園入口バス停駅)

Dōnan Bus (about 30 minutes): 660 JPY

Kucchan Station (倶知案駅)


Niseko Bus (ニセコバス) 0136-44-2001

Dōnan Bus Kucchan Sales Official (道南バス倶知案営業所) 0136-22-1558

By Car:

From Chitose (Chitose) via Shikotu Lake (支笏湖), take Route 276 via Bifue Tōge (美笛峠) to Mt. Yōtei Trailhead (羊蹄山登山口)

Paking Lot Infomation:

Half Moon Campground (半月湖キャンプ場) has a parking lot (about 15 units)

Lodging Facility:

Yōtei-zan Hinangoya (羊蹄山避難小屋)

Newly built mountain lodge in 2013.
Water and meals are not provided, but you can rent shruffs and blankets.

Tel: 0136-23-3388 (Kucchan Chō Tourism Division)

Opening: Mid-June to Mid-October

Fee: 1000 yen per night, rest 300 yen, blanket 200 yen, sleeping bag 300 yen

Capacity: about 20 people

Hot Springs After Hiking

Makkari Hot Spring (まっかり温泉)

Official Web Site: http://www.makkarionsen.com/

A hot spring looking up Mt.Yōtei from the south. From the outdoor bath you can see the Makkari Course where you came down.

Tel: 0136-45-2717

Adress: 174-3 Midorioka Makkari village, Hokkaido

Opening hour: 10:30 am – 9:00 pm

Closed: Monday (If it is a holiday the next day)

Fee: 500 JPY

Access: 30 minutes from Makkari village Bus Stop (真狩村バス停) on foot

Mount Poroshiri-dake (幌尻岳) | 100 Famous Japanese Mountains #008

Walking while enjoying the scenery created by active volcanoes

Hiker walks the floor of the cirque under Poroshiri-dake to the summit.
Hiker walks the floor of the cirque under Poroshiri-dake to the summit.

Mt.Poroshiri (幌尻岳) which is also selected as “100 famous japanese mountains” at the highest peak of Hidaka Range. Mt.Poroshiri, which is said to be the most difficult mountain of “100 famous japanese mountains” is a mountain for skilled hikers where difficult trails like dozens of wading across rivers and climbing steep slopes follow.
However, it is must-sees for the superb ridgeline that extends beyond the difficult trail and “Nanatsunuma” selected for “Japan’s top 100 geological selections”! You can see various animals on the ground where the flower garden spreads. In this article I will introduce representative courses and spots of Mt.Poroshiri.

Detailed Data of Mount Poroshiri-dake (幌尻岳)

Hikers cross the Nukabira River tens of times and heads to Poroshiri-sansō.
Hikers cross the Nukabira River tens of times and heads to Poroshiri-sansō.

AREA: Niikappu cho Biratori cho, Hokkaido
HIGHEST POINT: 2052 m, Mt. Poroshiridake
PLAN: a trip for 2 nights and 3 days
DURATION: 1st day: 4 hours and 40 minutes, 2nd day: 7 hours and 10 minutes, 3rd day: 4 hours and 20 minutes
DISTANCE: About 23 km
BEST SEASON: July to September

Mt.Tomuraushi’s Hiking Course Map

Map of the Nukabira River Route | Click on the image above to open the enlarged image in a separate tab.
Map of the Nukabira River Route (額平川ルート) | Click on the image above to open the enlarged image in a separate tab.

The source of above the three maps are “Digital Japan Web System” of The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan. The maps were edited a author of this blog.
In Japanese: これらの3枚の地図は国土地理院の電子国土Webシステムから配信されたものをこのブログの著者が加工したものである。

How to travel to Mt. Poroshiridake’s Trailhead (Second Gate)

the total amount: about 1310 JPY

Tomikawa Station (富川駅)

Dōnan Bus (about 1 hour): 1310 JPY
Toyonuka sansō (とよぬか山荘)

Shuttle Bus (one way, about 1 hour): Round trip fare 4000 JPY
Second Gate (第2ゲート)

From Toyonuka sansō, traffic to general vehicles is prohibited.
Hikers use a private shuttle bus.
From the 2nd gate is a walk only.


South Hokkadō Bus Biratori Sales Office (道南バス平取営業所) 01457-2-2311

Furenai Kōtsū (振内交通) 01457-3-3021

Biratori Taxi (平取ハイヤー) 01457-2-3181

Toyonuka sansō (とよぬか山荘) 0145-7-33568

By Car:

From Biratori cho Honcho (平取町本町) toward Hidaka (日高) 40 minutes, after Furenai city (振内市街), there is a sign of “Poroshiri Trailhead” (幌尻岳登山入り口) in the branch of Niseu (仁世宇). From there about 20 minutes you arrive at Toyonukasō (とよぬか山荘).

Paking Lot Infomation:

Toyonukasō has public car park (about 50 units)

Lodging Facility:

Poroshiri sansō (幌尻山荘)

At Mountain lodge where reservation is not without meals. There is no meal or bedding so let’s prepare yourself. The reservation reception starts from April 1.

Tel: 01457-3-3838

Opening: June 1 to September 30

Fee: 1500 (without meals)

Hot Springs After Hiking

Biratori Hot Spring Yukara (びらとり温泉 ゆから)

Official Web Site: http://www.biratori-onsen.com/

The lily’sa habitat is right next to and is a hot spring accommodation that is perfect for healing tiredness of hiking.
Day bathing is also possible.

Tel: 01457-2-3280

Adress: 92-6 Nibutani Biratori cho, Hokkaido

Opening hour: 10:00 am – 9:30 pm

Closed: open all year arond

Fee: 420 JPY

Access: Immediately from Biratori Onsen Mae Bus Stop (平取温泉前バス停)

Mount Tokachi (十勝岳) | 100 Famous Japanese Mountains #007

Walking while enjoying the scenery created by active volcanoes

Volcanic gravel and volcanic routes follow towards Mt. Tokoki.
Volcanic gravel and volcanic routes follow towards Mt. Tokoki.

Mount Tokachi (十勝岳) is the main peak of the Tokachi mountain range, and active volcanoes where volcanic activity is still active now. The crater which send up great volumes of smoke and the mountain views of narrow ridge are peculiar, it is a mountain popular with hikers. From the summit you can see the mountains of Hidaka and Mt. Tomuraushi, Mt. Daisetuzan.

Detailed Data of Mount Tokachi (十勝岳)

Mt.Tokachi is a unique landscape like a moon.
Mt.Tokachi is a unique landscape like a moon.

AREA: Shintoku cho Kami-furano cho Biei cho, Hokkaido
HIGHEST POINT: 2077 m, Mt. Tokachi
PLAN: day hike
DURATION: 6 hours and 55 minutes
DISTANCE: About 10 km
BEST SEASON: July to September

Mt.Tomuraushi’s Hiking Course Map

Mt. Tokachi's Hiking Course (トムラウシ短縮コース) | Click on the image above to open the enlarged image in a separate tab.
Mt. Tokachi’s Hiking Course | Click on the image above to open the enlarged image in a separate tab.

The source of above the three maps are “Digital Japan Web System” of The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan. The maps were edited a author of this blog.
In Japanese: これらの3枚の地図は国土地理院の電子国土Webシステムから配信されたものをこのブログの著者が加工したものである。

How to travel to Mt. Tokachi’s Trailhead

the total amount: about 14000 JPY

Biē Station (美瑛駅)

Taxi (about 35 minutes): 7000 JPY

Bougakudai (望岳台)

From Shirogane Onsen Bus Stop (白銀温泉バス停) it is possible to get to Bougakudai in about 1 hour and 10 minutes on foot.
North Hokkaido Bus General information (道北バス総合案内) 0166-23-4161


Biē Taxi (美瑛ハイヤー) 0166-92-1181

By Car:

From Asahikawa, take national road No. 237 south, in Biei, take road 966 towards Shirogane Hot Spring, and 52 km to Shirogane Hot Spring. It is 3 km further to Bougakudai.

Paking Lot Infomation:

Bougakudai has public car park (about 40 units)


Daisetsuzan Shirogane Tourist hotel (大雪山白金観光ホテル)

Accommodation in Shirogane Onsen.
A day-long bathing plan of 1300 yen with a meal is recommended.

Tel: 0166-94-3111

Opening: late June to late September

Fee: Need to confirm

Official Web Site: http://www.shirogane-kankou.com/

Access: Immediately from the shirogane hot spring bus stop

Hot Springs After Hiking

Kokumin Hoyō Center (国民保養センター)

Official Web Site: http://town.biei.hokkaido.jp/facility/hoyou.html

One day bathing facilities in Shirogane Onsen.
It is also popular with locals at 100% natural hot springs.

Tel: 0166-94-3016

Adress: Shirogane Onsen Biē cho, Hokkaido

Opening hour: 9:30 am – 8:00 pm

Closed: Monday

Fee: 300 JPY

Access: Immediately from Hoyō Center Bus Stop

Sightseeing Area

Shirogane Blue Pond (白金青い池)


The pond called “Biē Blue” from the color of the beautiful blue lake surface. The river containing the hot spring ingredients is making beautiful colors.

Adress: Shirogane Biē cho, Hokkaido

Access: About 2.5 Km from Shirogane Hot Spring

Parking Lot: about 100 units

Mount Tomuraushi (トムラウシ山) | 100 Famous Japanese Mountains #006

A Course of Popular Mountain in Daisetsuzan National Park

Sceneries like Hokkaido where rocks and snow are beautiful
Sceneries like Hokkaido where rocks and snow are beautiful

Mt. Tomuraushi (トムラウシ山), located in the middle of Daisetsuzan National Park, is a long course that goes back and forth about 15 km from ”the Tomuraushi hot spring climbing course”.
Complex terrain and snowy and alpine plants brought by rich natural environment are unbelievably beautiful.
It gives you the pleasure of bliss that deserves hardship of the long trail.

Detailed Data of Mount Tomuraushi (トムラウシ山)

Mt. Tomurashi from the summit of Mt. Asahidake
Mt. Tomurashi from the summit of Mt. Asahidake

AREA: Shintoku cho Biei cho, Hokkaido
HIGHEST POINT: 2141 m, Mt. Shari
PLAN: day hike
DURATION: 11 hours and 50 minutes
DISTANCE: About 15 km
BEST SEASON: July to September

Mt.Tomuraushi’s Hiking Course Map

Mt. Tomuraushi's Hiking Course (トムラウシ短縮コース) | Click on the image above to open the enlarged image in a separate tab.
Mt. Tomuraushi’s Hiking Course (トムラウシ短縮コース) | Click on the image above to open the enlarged image in a separate tab.

The source of above the three maps are “Digital Japan Web System” of The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan. The maps were edited a author of this blog.
In Japanese: これらの3枚の地図は国土地理院の電子国土Webシステムから配信されたものをこのブログの著者が加工したものである。

How to travel to Mt. Tomuraushi’s Trailhead

the total amount: about 32000 JPY

Shintoku cho Station (新得町駅)

Taxi (about 1 hour and 30 minutes): 16000 JPY

Mt. Tomuraushi’s Trailhead (トムラウシ短縮コース)

There is a service of “Tomuraushi Hot Spring Bus” for a limited time from July to August. It is approximately one and a half hours from Shintoku Station to Tomuraushi Hot Spring. Reservations are required.
Hokkaido Takushoku Bus (北海道拓殖バス) 0156-64-5202


Shintoku Taxi (新得ハイヤー) 0156-64-5202

By Car:

From Shintoku Station via Route 718 about 60 km.
Please note that the vicinity is unpaved.

Paking Lot Infomation:

There is a public car park (50 units)


Higashi Daisetu Sō (東大雪荘)

An inexpensive hotel operated by a local government.
It was renewed in 2008. A large outdoor bath along the mountain stream and a spacious bath are reputed.

Tel: 0152-25-4111

Opening: late June to late September

9870 JPY – / 1 person with dinner and breakfast per night
・Prices change according to the season
・2 people in one room

Official Web Site: http://www.tomuraushionsen.com/

Access: 1 hour and 30 minutes from Shintoku Station by car

Hot Springs After Hiking

Hotel Kuttari Hot Spring Lake-In (湯宿くったり温泉 レイクイン)

Official Web Site: https://www.lakeinn.jp/

A resort hotel on the bank of Lake Kuttari.
You can enjoy a spacious outdoor bath and an inner bath.

Tel: 0156-65-2141

Adress: 808 Kuttari Shintoku cho, Hokkaido

Opening hour: 12:00 am – 10:30 pm (it’s depend on seasons)

Closed: Request inquiry

Fee: 480 JPY

Access: 20 minutes from Shintoku Station by car.

Hot Spring Osoushi sHIKANO-YU Sō (オソウシ温泉 鹿乃湯荘)

Official Web Site: http://osoushi.foodsnet.net/

Accommodation along Osoushi River. The strong alkaline ion’s hot water is comfortable.

Tel: 0156-65-3338

Adress: 330 Osoushi-Shikanosawa Shintoku cho, Hokkaido

Opening hour: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm

Closed: Request inquiry

Fee: 600 JPY

Access: 40 minutes from Shintoku Station by car.

Mount Shari (斜里岳) | 100 Famous Japanese Mountains #005

Hike to the mountain called On-nepuri “big mountain” in Ainu language

Mt.Sharidake's view from Kiyosato cho, this is a big mountain connected to the south Mt.shari and Mt.Onnebetsu, Mt.Unabetsu.
Mt.Sharidake’s view from Kiyosato cho, this is a big mountain connected to the south Mt.shari and Mt.Onnebetsu, Mt.Unabetsu.

Mt. Shari (斜里岳) is a volcano at the bottom of Shiretoko Peninsula in Hokkaido.
It is a beautiful mountain of independent peak like Mt. Fuji.
In this article I will introduce the Kiyosato course which most hikers choose.
In this course you will cross the small waterfalls of Ichiosawa River left and right to Kami-Futamata, you can enjoy river trekking.
You can also see the Shiretoko mountain ranges and Akan mountain ranges from the summit. You go down a new road while looking to the wonderful view of Mt.Shari.

Detailed Data of Mount Shari (斜里岳)

Walking while enjoying a beautiful waterfalls such as Seven-fold waterfall (七重の滝).
Walking while enjoying a beautiful waterfalls such as Seven-fold waterfall (七重の滝).

AREA: Shari cho Kiyosato cho, Hokkaido
HIGHEST POINT: 1547 m, Mt. Shari
PLAN: day hike
DURATION: 7 hours and 20 minutes
DISTANCE: About 10 km
BEST SEASON: July to September

Mt.Rausu’s Hiking Course Map

the Kiyosato course (清里コース) | Click on the image above to open the enlarged image in a separate tab.
the Kiyosato course (清里コース) | Click on the image above to open the enlarged image in a separate tab.

The source of above the three maps are “Digital Japan Web System” of The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan. The maps were edited a author of this blog.
In Japanese: これらの3枚の地図は国土地理院の電子国土Webシステムから配信されたものをこのブログの著者が加工したものである。

How to travel to Rishiri Island

the total amount: about 8000 JPY

Kiyosato cho Station

Taxi (about 30 minutes): 4000 JPY

Seigaku sou


Kiyosato Taxi (清里ハイヤー) 0152-25-2538

By Car:

From Memanbetsu via Route 39 and Route 334 about 70 km

Paking Lot Infomation:

40 units at Seigaku sou

Lodging Facility and Hotel:

Seigaku Sou (清岳荘)

A lodge located nearby trailhead. Let’s ask them because they provide information on Mt.Shari even if you are not a guest.

Tel: 0152-25-4111

Opening: late June to late September

2050 JPY / per 1 person (staying without meals)
300 JPY / Bedding rental

Maximum Capacity: 50 people

Adress: Kōnan Kiyosato cho, Hokkaido

Access: 30 minutes from Kiyosato Station by car

Hot Springs After Hiking

Papasu Land Sattsuru (パパスランド さっつる)

There are the hot spring facility with foot baths and open-air baths, normal inside bathes. Local vegetables and special products are also on sale.

Opening hour: 10:00 am – 21:00 pm

Closed: No holiday

Fee: 390 JPY

Access: 10 minutes from Sattsuru Station (札弦駅) on foot.

Mount Rausu (羅臼岳) | 100 Famous Japanese Mountains #004

World Heritage Shiretoko’s highest peak hiking course

Shiretoko (知床) was added to the UNESCO Wold Heritage List on July 17, 2005.
Shiretoko (知床) was added to the UNESCO Wold Heritage List on July 17, 2005.

Mount Rausu (羅臼岳) is The farthest desolate spot where the untouched nature remains.
Mt.Rausu, the highest mountain of Shiretoko National Park (知床国立公園), is a bell-shaped mountain with huge and strange stacked lava domes on summit.
There are three hiking routes, the most popular trail is the course from Iwaobetsu hot spring (岩尾別温泉).
From the mountaintop with many rocky places it is an superb prospect such as views of Kunashirijima and Mount Shari.

Detailed Data of Mount Rausu (羅臼岳)

Alpine plants such as Campanula bloom during the short summer.
Alpine plants such as Campanula bloom during the short summer.

AREA: Shari cho Rausu cho, Hokkaido
HIGHEST POINT: 1660 m, Mt. Rausu
PLAN: day hike
DURATION: 8 hours and 20 minutes
DISTANCE: About 12 km
BEST SEASON: July to September

Mt.Rausu’s Hiking Course Map

the course from Iwaobetsu hot spring (岩尾別温泉) | Click on the image above to open the enlarged image in a separate tab.
the course from Iwaobetsu hot spring (岩尾別温泉) | Click on the image above to open the enlarged image in a separate tab.

The source of above the three maps are “Digital Japan Web System” of The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan. The maps were edited a author of this blog.
In Japanese: これらの3枚の地図は国土地理院の電子国土Webシステムから配信されたものをこのブログの著者が加工したものである。

How to travel to Rishiri Island

the total amount: about 34000 JPY

Shiretoko Shari Station

Taxi (about 1 hour 20 minutes): 17000 JPY

Iwaobetsu Hot Spring


Shari Taxi (斜里ハイヤー) 0152-23-2100

Utoro Kankō Taxi (ウトロ観光ハイヤー) 0152-24-2121

By Car:

From Abashiri via Route 244 and Route 344 about 90 km

Paking Lot Infomation:

30 units for Hotel Chinohate guests,
5 units for Kinoshita Goya

Lodging Facility and Hotel:

Kinoshita Lodg (Kinoshita Goya, 木下小屋)

A lodge located right next to trailhead with beds without meals.
There is a natural hot spring in the lodge.

Tel: 0152-24-2824

Opening: late June to late September

2500 JPY / per 1 person (a bed without meals, reservation required)
500 JPY / Bathing and resting only

Maximum Capacity: 30 people

Adress: Iwaubetsu Onne-betsu village Shari cho, Hokkaido

Access: 1 hour and 20 minutes from Shiretoko Shari Station by car

Hotel Chinohate (Iwabetsu-insen chinohate, 岩別温泉地の果て)

Mt. Rausu Hotel which many travelers use as base for hiking and Shiretoko sightseeing.
The open air bath surrounded by virgin forest can also be used for day trip.

Tel: 0152-24-2331

Official HP: https://iwaobetu.com/

Hot Springs After Hiking

Iwaobetsu Hot Spring Open Air Bath (Iwaobetsu Onsen Yaten Buro, 岩尾別温泉野天風呂)

A unisex hot spring a bit behind from “Iwao Betsu Hot Spring”.
You can wild experience in a mossy rocky natural hot bath.

Opening hour: 24 hours

Closed: No holiday

Fee: Free

Access: 1 hour and 20 minutes from Shiretoko Shari Station by car

Mount Rishiri (利尻山) | 100 Famous Japanese Mountains #003

A Mountain of Northernmost Island in Japan

Candle rock of Mt. Rishiri | Sharp figure is beautiful.
Candle rock of Mt. Rishiri | Sharp figure is beautiful.

Mt.Rishiri’s hiking course is the Oshi-domari Course (鴛泊コース) 12 kilometers back and forth from Hokuroku Campsite (北麓野営場).
It is a long course of steep slope without water field except there is Kanro-sen Spring (甘露泉) which was chosen as “100 famous Japanese water picks” just after Trailhead.
Alpine plants bloom plofsely on the ridge and many plants named “rishiri” such as narcissiflora, botan – kinbai, rishiri – gentian, rishiri – genge, rishiri – papaver, rishiri – ōgi etc are also seen.

Detailed Data of Mount Rishiri (利尻山)

Walk the ridge of the treasure house of alpine plants.
Walk the ridge of the treasure house of alpine plants.

AREA: Rishirifuji cho Rishiri gun, Hokkaido
HIGHEST POINT: 1719m North ridge of Mt. rishiri
PLAN: Day-hike
DURATION: 8 hours and 50 minutes
DISTANCE: About 12 km
BEST SEASON: July to September

Mt.Rishiri’s Hiking Course Map

the Oshi-domari Course (鴛泊コース) | Click on the image above to open the enlarged image in a separate tab.
the Oshi-domari Course (鴛泊コース) | Click on the image above to open the enlarged image in a separate tab.

The source of above the three maps are “Digital Japan Web System” of The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan. The maps were edited a author of this blog.
In Japanese: これらの3枚の地図は国土地理院の電子国土Webシステムから配信されたものをこのブログの著者が加工したものである。

How to travel to Rishiri Island

the total amount: about 8680 JPY

Wakkanai Airport

Souya Bus (about 35 minutes): 600 JPY

Wakkanai Port

Heart Land Ferry (1 hour and 40 minutes): 2140 JPY

Oshidomari Port

Taxi (about 10 minutes): 1600 JPY

Hokuroku Campsite

There is also a way from Sapporo to Wakkanai. Buses between Sapporo and Wakkanai travel 6 times a day (reservation required)
About 5 hours 50 minutes, 6200 JPY
For inquiries, please contact Sōya Bus (011-241-0241)


Sōya Bus Wakkanai office 0162-33-5515

Heart Land Ferry Wakkanai office 0162-23-8010

Fuji Tax 0163-82-1181

By Car:

When riding on a ferry, the length of the vehicle is less than 3 m and 10470 JPY. You can go to Trailhead’s Hokuroku Campsite.

Paking Lot Infomation:

Parking lot in Hokuroku Campsite. (About 30 units)

Lodging Facility:

Hokuroku Campsite (Rishiri Hokuroku Yaējō, 利尻北麓野営場)

A campground renewed in 2013,
Popular campground for early rising hikers.

Tel: 0163-82-2394

Opening: May 5 – October 15

500 JPY / per 1 person
5000 JPY / 1 Camping Cabin house (bed without meals)

Adress: Oshidomari Fuji cho Rishirifuji cho, Hokkaido

Access: 2 km from Rishiri Fuji Onsen Bus Stop, 4 km from Oshidomari Port

Hot Springs After Hiking

Rishiri Fuji Onsen & Hot Spring Heated Pool “Yūei-Kan”

Web-site: Official Site

Tel: 0163822388

Closed: No holiday from May to October, Monday from November to April

500 JPY / per 1 person

Adress: Jiei cho Oshidomari Fuji cho Rishirifuji cho, Hokkaido

Access: Near Rishiri Fuji Onsen on foot